If you are in business as a sole trader, in partnership or own a company and you are looking to acquire or merge with another business, our expert commercial team can offer a free initial no obligation discussion, giving you clear direction on how to proceed to ensure you get the best deal and protect you interests.
Contact us for a free initial, no obligation discussion to assess your needs and the best way forward.
At PowellsLaw, we recognise that selling your business can be one of the most important things you will do- but also a stressful and anxious time. This is why we aim to deliver the highest level of service to take the weight off your shoulders throughout the process. Our expert team can deal with all of the legal aspects involved in selling a business, including:
Whether you are selling an entire company, part of a company, or a partnership, our services can be tailored to suit your business and personal needs- giving you peace of mind and ensuring that the best possible outcome is achieved.
For more information, advice and support on selling a business, contact the commercial team at PowellsLaw today.
Starting a new business can be an exhilarating experience, but amongst all the exciting stuff there are also some essential legal structures to put in place.
We understand your business is your livelihood so it is imperative that it is protected with the right expert advice.
Employment law is complex and easy to make a mistake that can be costly without seeking the proper expertise.
Disputes can absorb large amounts of time and cost if not managed effectively to avoid them escalating whilst achieving the best result.