Can I let my flat for holidays?

Posted on June 28, 2018

Many leasehold owners of flats are offering their properties for short term holiday accommodation, commonly referred to as ‘Airbnb’ after the company which runs the well-known site, bringing together millions of ‘hosts’ and ‘travellers’ worldwide.

But is it legal for you to do so?

Making your property available for temporary accommodation could potentially put you in breach of the covenants of your flat lease.  Every lease will be different, but you could find yourself breaching the following restrictions: –

  • Sub-letting without the landlord’s consent.
  • Parting with or sharing occupation without the landlord’s consent.
  • Using the flat as a residence and not for business purposes.
  • Causing a nuisance or annoyance to other flat owners.

As with many legal issues, the devil is in the detail so if you are considering short term lettings, it is essential to take legal advice if you wish to avoid potential expensive claims against you by your landlord or neighbours.

Click here for more information or contact the Property team at PowellsLaw today.

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