When you’re in business you’re never sure what’s around the corner. As you employ more people, carry out more activities and become more successful, your risks increase.
Imagine this. You can arrive at work one morning expecting ‘just another day,’ only to find, what? That somebody has done something that will turn your world upside down.
Maybe a member of staff has acted inappropriately or is claiming harassment or discrimination; there’s been an accident; negative comments have been posted about your business on the internet or social media; a customer or supplier is complaining that you’ve breached your contract; somebody is infringing your intellectual property rights or accusing you of abusing theirs; there’s a serious issue with your premises; complaints have been made about your work activities from neighbouring businesses or residents.
What happens next is crucial
We could probably fill the page with potential issues you could face. Whatever the issue, as soon as you are presented with it your next step is highly significant. Get it wrong and you can make matters worse. You can even harm your case should you end up in litigation.
This is where you need quick, expert advice to establish where you stand and what you should – and shouldn’t – do next.
Unfortunately, many SME businesses don’t get this advice. Issues that could have been resolved speedily and inexpensively start to snowball. The cost to the business in time, energy and money escalates.
PowellsLaw created Law on Call to solve this problem. For a fixed monthly fee of £30, you can call us whenever an issue arises to be certain where you stand legally and get reassurance when they occur. Our specialist team will assess your circumstances and give you clear options on the best route forward and whether we would recommend any legal action.
The service not only gives you clarity about how to move forward, it prevents you from responding inappropriately and causing even bigger problems. It puts you in control of events rather than reacting to them.
For more information on our business services take a look at our website or call us on 01934 623501.